Show Notes
[00:00] Rob: So this is our extra special episode of Startups For The Rest Of Us 141.5 in which Mike and I tell you that there are only a couple of days left before we do the pre-launch for MicroConf Europe. And MicroConf Europe happens this October in Prague. We are going to have a bunch of awesome speakers that we had in Vegas including Mike and myself, Patrick McKenzie, better known as Patty11 on the Internet. We’ll have Peldi. Peldi from Balsamiq. And Dave Collins from Software Promotions.
[00:30]And so it’s just a couple days left. We don’t actually have that many tickets left to be honest even in the pre-launch. I think we…What did we sell out in like 51 hours or something for the Vegas one this year?
[00:40]Mike: Yup
[00:41] Rob: So I could easily see selling out in a matter of days. So if you are at all interested in going to MicroConf Europe. Which is October 5-6 in Prague. You want to head over to microconfeurope.com and get your name on that early bird list because that’s really going to be probably your last chance to get a ticket.
[00:58] Mike: Yeah, and just a reminder that the MicroConf in Prague is going to be a little bit smaller than Vegas, so don’t get your expectations up for having a larger conference. We are intentionally keeping it small. And again as Rob pointed out, I mean, we’re expecting to sell out rather quickly. So, make sure you are on that list because that’s probably the only way that you are going to be able to hear about it. Just go over to MicroConfEurope.com and that will take you over to the MicroConf website. And just enter in your email address at the top of the page. And we’ll notify you next week when the tickets go on sale.
[01:27] Rob: Thanks for listening. We’ll see you next time.