[00:00] Mike: This is Startups for the Rest of Us: Episode 167.
[00:04] Music
[00:11] Welcome to Startups for the Rest of Us, the podcast that helps developers, designers and entrepreneurs be awesome at launching software products, whether you’ve built your first product or you’re just thinking about it. I’m Mike.
[00:19] Rob: And I’m Rob.
[00:20] Mike: And we’re here to share our experiences to help you avoid the same mistakes we’ve made. What’s the word this week Rob?
[00:24] Rob: You know, things are going pretty well. I’ve been spending some time in the code. I’ve been working on the HitTail keyword algorithm. I mentioned that since not provided came through. I found it through the Google web master tools, there’s another source of a bunch of keyword data and so I’ve spent a lot of time repurposing, tweaking that algorithm and it’s actually given me a better – before HitTail could say hey, here’s a keyword and yes it’s a suggestion you strut about or not.
[00:52] Now I actually have a gradient where I can give it a score and it’s a number on like a 1 to 100 scale. So it’s been fun to get back in the code ready to kind of get this thing out. Right now it’s in alpha and I have four different people who’ve sent me spreadsheets and I’m uploading them and seeing how it goes but it’s nice to be moving forward with the goal of getting HitTail back on track basically. Growth had really stalled and things starting to go sideways with it as the value that it provides is a lot less than it did 4 or 5 months ago.
[01:24] Mike: That’s really cool that you’re able to assign a score to those things that you use so people have some sort of ranking to help them decide what they should do next. That’s one of the things that people had asked me to do when Audit Shark was there like this information is great but I need you to score it so I know what to concentrate on. The analysis paralysis that people tend to experience when they just really don’t know what it is that they’re looking at and they don’t have a basis for comparison, that really hurts. And giving them those benchmarks or those ways to sort the data can be really, really helpful.
[01:56] Rob: Yeah. I agree. So hopefully, getting that out into production in the next couple weeks, I’m going to need to get a designer on board to make some minor tweaks to some stuff and then I’ll probably hire a developer. It’s just enough work. I think it’ll probably be 20 to 30 hours of work because there some complex stuff to actually implement it at scale. I’ve realized these days man, if I need to get 30 hours of coding done, it’s going to take me like a month to do it because I can’t get in the flow ever because there’s so many little things going on but hopefully fingers crossed, another few weeks maybe end of February have that all up and running.
[02:29] Mike: Very cool.
[02:30] Rob: How about you? What’s going on?
[02:32] Mike: Well I got an email from Wes O’Hare who put together a resource website for people who make web products and the URL, we’ll link it up in the show notes is produx.co. So check it out if you want. There’s a lot of good information on there. There’s a few couple things I’ve never heard of before. So if you’re building a web startup of any kind there are definitely some good resources there.
[02:55] Rob: I wanted to call out two things. The first is I was on a podcast this week. It’s the Linchpin podcast and I was talking all about email marketing and creating email mini courses so linchpin.net/podcast if you want to check that out. It’s a short one. It’s probably 25-30 minutes. The other thing is Brandon Dunn, lifetime academy member, he and I were emailing about some stuff and I loved the story he sent. He said hey, I set a new personal record. I had an idea for a WordPress plug-in last Friday, learned how to write said plug-in over the weekend because I’ve never really dug in a WordPress before. I’ve run paid ads today plus some inbound from my blog and so far I’ve admitted two new customers who weren’t friends or in my network. I love it. It’s like a super fast implementation. Talk about taking action. It’s at wordpressconversionfunnel.com.
[03:48] And if you do nothing else, checkout that URL because look at the way Brandon puts together this sales page. It’s a long form sales later. Its written from his perspective and it’s all about how the tactics that he’s included in these WordPress plug-in has helped his own business very elegant, well put together, very folksy, it feels like you’re just having a conversation with someone and they’re kind of just telling you about something while you’re sitting at a bar. I wanted to share that with the audience and kind of give an example of a way to get something done well and to do it fast and execute like Brandon did. So congrats sir.
[04:18] Music
[04:22] Mike: We’re talking about how to organize and run a startup mastermind. Over the past couple of months, I think that you’ve probably gotten just as many questions as I have if not more about what is a mastermind? How do I go about putting one together? What sorts of things go on? How can it help? So what we’re going to today is we’re going to take some time and set aside the entire podcast episode for talking about a startup mastermind and some of the different experiences that you and I have had in running our own.
[04:49] Rob: And to give you some background, the term mastermind as far as I know is first mentioned by Napoleon Hill in the book Think and Grow Rich and if you read through that, it’s going to almost barely resemble what we’re talking about today because A) things just have developed so far in the past 75 years since he wrote that book and B) we do some very specific things that work very well because we’re talking about a startup mastermind. It’s not just a generic group of people getting together to talk about something but really focus on a startup right on the startups that you’re all running with other founders. And so I think that’s something to keep in mind.
[05:25] The other thing I’d like to mention is that one of the reasons we’re doing this episode is because Mike and I have realized the value of masterminds in our successes and just the power of community through MicroConf and through the Micropreneur Academy and that’s one of the big reasons that we are revamping micropreneur.com this year and we’re going to put an extra focus on community.
[05:47] And this mastermind stuff will be part of that. I mean we want to foster, help people get involved in mastermind and help them run them well whether they setup local Micropreneur meet ups as we’re seeing spark up. Last count, they were approaching maybe 10 worldwide of these Micropreneur meet ups just people getting together. That’s a little different than a mastermind but there’s overlap there. I mean the flipside is setting up Skype masterminds, as we’ll surely talk about in this episode.
[06:13] Mike: So the first question that somebody might have is what is a startup mastermind? To me, a startup mastermind is a group of people who are business owners or have applications that they are selling online and they want to talk to other people who are in a similar boat, other people who are encountering similar problems have a similar type of business because if you’re talking to somebody who’s running a brick and mortar type business, they’re going to have very, very different problems than you would as somebody who’s selling software over the web. So you really want to make sure that you’re talking to people who are in at least a similar situation as you and these types of people will help you make decisions. You can open up to them. You can talk about the types of problems that you’re having. They can give you suggestions. It tends to be a lot easier to talk to these types of people than it is to talk to your customers or your employees.
[07:04] And as a business owner it can be very I’ll say isolating when you’re running a business and maybe you have employees or contractors and you need advice but you don’t necessarily know where to turn. And a startup mastermind can really help with that because you can open up and you can talk about a lot of different things and essentially lay all your cards on the table and get the feedback that you really need in order to move your business forward. And if you don’t have a mechanism for doing that, then you may very well reduced to talking to your spouse or talking to your friends who if they don’t do that sort of thing, then they don’t have any basis for making decisions or offering advice. It becomes very difficult to get anything out of those conversations.
[07:44] Rob: Your spouse, your employees and your non-founder friends will never ever understand what it is you’re doing at the level that you need them to actually provide you with helpful support and feedback. You must have someone who understands that founders are a different breed and what we’re doing in startups is such a unique thing that talking to your parents or god forbid your employees about this, it almost never yields helpful information.
[08:12] I think the point that you brought up about isolation is a big one and I just double underline that on the notes I’m taking here. Isolation is something you need to avoid. I’ve gone through it. I think a lot of founders go through it. I see a mastermind as a way to get a group of supportive people around you, a way to have accountability, a way to have people invested in your startup not financially but just mentally invested without having a cofounder. So if you do have one or two cofounders, I don’t know that you necessarily need a mastermind because that’s kind of you have your mastermind there. But especially if you’re a single founder, I just view the startup mastermind as a semi-replacement for having cofounders.
[08:52] Mike: So the next question you might have is how many people should you have in your startup mastermind and this number I think can vary quite a bit. I’ve heard a lot of people say 2, 3, 4, 5. I think I heard one group that had I think 6 or 7 people in their mastermind. I feel like that’s way too much. My mastermind group has three people in it and with three people, we each get about half an hour to talk and we talk about our own products and we used to talk about our own stuff every single time we meet so it’s not as if you’re going 2, 3, 4, session or something like that without talking.
[09:24] Half an hour seems like its enough time for you to be able to get through everything that you’re talking about. And if you go a little bit long, it’s usually not a big deal but to me, I feel like three people is a good number to have. I think it can work well if you have two people. I think that once you start getting to a 4 or 5 people I feel like the mastermind gets too big and people don’t necessarily have enough focus and you spend more time waiting than you do talking about the things that you’re working on and getting the feedback that you need to move forward.
[09:52] Rob: Yeah. I take a pretty hard line on this. I think a mastermind, its best startup mastermind only works with 2 to 4 people and I’ve been in one that was 2 people and it worked great. I think 3 is the ideal number because then you’re getting two perspectives on things instead of just the other person. You want someone to have 20–30 minutes to really get in deep because if each person has 5 minutes to talk, you just can’t understand really what’s going on with their business.
[10:20] Now I have heard of masterminds like you said with 5, 6 I’ve heard of 8 person masterminds. Those are just run entirely differently than what you and I do. Those are run where it’s like every meeting 1 or 2 people get to speak for a longer period of time. Maybe you get 20 minutes when you’re on the hot seat and everybody else only gets a 5 minute update. I can’t imagine being part of a group like that. That’s not called a startup mastermind. Maybe that’s some other type of meet up or something else but it’s not at the level that we’re talking about when we’re using the term startup mastermind.
[10:53] Mike: So the next question is how often should you meet? I’ve heard of a lot of other groups that will meet once a week or even a couple of times a week. My group meets once every other week and I feel like every other week is the right amount of time because with half an hour allotted to each person, you get to talk a fair amount but at then at the end of it there’s an accountability area and that gives you – or the week in between each meeting gives you enough time to really buckle down and work on those things. And if you run into any sort of issues, you still have time to be able to get some of that stuff done from one week to the next. If you’re meeting every single week, it almost feels like any sort of commitments that you have or that you’ve set for yourself, it may very well be very difficult to meet some of those commitments just because you don’t have enough time to do it.
[11:40] It’s like okay well I’ve got things that I’m going to work on and its going to take me 2 weeks to do or 3 weeks to do and your report for the week is for 3 or 4 weeks straight is going to be well yeah, I’m still working on that. I’m not done yet. I’m sure you can go into a lot of detail about it but to me it seems like meeting every other week has worked out really, really well for us and with that sort of schedule, you can still move it around a little bit during the week. It’s not that big a deal. I think that we’ve only had to move ours I think twice but we still resorted to email updates on those weeks where we just couldn’t meet. There are ways around that sort of thing but to me it feels like once every other week is probably ideal. I think you could get away with once every week. I think Rob you’re in one that meets every week right?
[12:23] Rob: No, both of mine are every other week and it’s for the reasons you’ve outlined. There just isn’t enough time to bite off a large enough chunk to make it interesting if you’d meet every week. Plus if your mastermind like you said, yours run 90 minutes and mine typically run between 90 minutes and two hours and that’s a big chunk to bite off every week just to sit down and talk about work and not actually work. And so to bite off two hours a week, I want to kill that time but certainly it’s helpful in the broader sense but to not be able to be productive for those hours would be a big deal.
[12:55] I agree with you pretty largely that every other week since to be the ideal tempo. If struggling kind of with your business or with the mental side of it that then it would feel like too long and that there’s not enough accountability that you could feel isolated so that’s where I feel the two week touch point that even if you’re having a rough time, that’s often enough that it can kind of get you back on track.
[13:17] Mike: So here’s another question for you specifically. Since I’m only part of one mastermind group, you said that you’re in two different ones. How does that work and how does that I guess correspond to when you were a member of just one because I imagine the experience is a little different but as you said, dedicating that time every week would be really hard but again you’re in two so you’re basically dedicating twice as much on those weeks where you do have the meeting and then none when you don’t. Do you find that it’s more helpful to have a second one?
[13:48] Rob: That’s a good point because since I’m in two every other week it’s kind of like I’m in one a week. The reason that it works for me is because I’m not in two Skype mastermind groups. I feel like for me, that would be too much time because that would essentially be two hours every week on Skype. One of them’s in person and one of them’s via Skype. And the Skype one is with some more experience founders who are in other parts of the country and we really dig into a lot of nuts and bolts and detailed stuff that literally maybe 10,000 people in the world have any interest in at the level that we’re talking about. I mean it’s just such a small – maybe it’s 50,000 but it’s just a tiny, tiny number. And so there are just aren’t that many people who can discuss the intimate metrics that we’re talking about and really understand the design element. So that’s where the Skype comes in as just finding people to do it is tough.
[14:36] The in person one is a little more casual, it’s a little more fun and we almost always do it at happy hour. And so we go to a pub and we’ll have a few drinks and we’ll have appetizers and then we’ll chat. Sometimes we’ll do it in my house and I’ll host but it’s basically the same thing. I’m pouring drinks and more hanging out in the evening. So that’s where I almost use it as its both a social/have fun type thing but we also, we do get into the nitty gritty of our business but our businesses aren’t as closely aligned as with the Skype mastermind. I think I’d have a tough time being in two intense hardcore masterminds like my Skype mastermind is.
[15:13] Mike: Do you find that you actually get anything done while you’re drinking like that or no?
[15:16] Rob: Yeah. We do. It’s not like we’re frat boys doing keg stands. I mean we’re having conversations. We’re reading from notes, taking notes, asking opinions. Definitely making decisions and helping each other. Yes. We definitely get things done. The nice part about being in person is a couple guys come over and we’re sitting there chatting and having drinks for three hours, it doesn’t feel that long because we’re just hanging out. But being on a three hour Skype call is pretty irritating. It just gets old and you’re sitting or too long and we can be more casual with the time and even at times go into more depth on certain topics just because you have the luxury of being there in person.
[15:57] Mike: So one of the things that we did which was actually a recommendation from you was when we were setting up our startup mastermind, one of the things that we did was we essentially setup expectations for what that mastermind should be and what we expected from everybody. And two other things that really came out was 1) an expectation of complete confidentiality from everybody. Anything that you talked about during that meeting or during those various meetings would not go beyond the people that were there. It was kind of regardless of the topic whether it was personal stuff that came up or whether it was business related or contracts and stuff like that because there are legal issues that you may need to discuss with people and those are the things that you don’t necessarily want going out to anybody else or discuss outside of your circle.
[16:40] The second thing that also came as a recommendation from you was having an opt out clause after some sort of a trial period. I think it was something like eight weeks to say is this working for me or is it not because eight weeks, it sounds like a long time but it was really just four meetings and I think that if you don’t really gel as a group within four meetings or so, it probably isn’t going to happen and you might want to go off and find other people to be part of your startup mastermind group. Are there other rules that you setup in your masterminds?
[17:09] Rob: I can’t think of any but the confidentiality I think is one that I want to underscore because if I’m going to do this, if you’re going to be serious about this, you need to bring it to the table. I bring everything. I bring my lifetime value, my customer churn numbers, revenue, net profit, super decisions I make. I bring stuff in there that I don’t talk about with anybody else and that means there has to be confidentiality. They can’t go talking to other people about it. I think that’s a key. And then you mentioning the out clause, that’s something that I’ve done with both of mine and I think the important thing is that you’re going to probably be setting this up with people you know. Right? It’s kind of friends. And so if it doesn’t work out, there really needs to be a no hard feelings opt out period for 6-8 meetings or whatever.
[17:56] So as you said, yours was four meeting and I think that’s the ideal duration to really figure out if you’re going to get value out of it because think about it. If you get in there and you’re talking and maybe let’s just say you think you know these acquaintances or these friends and you get in and one person just dominates and doesn’t really offer a lot of information and you feel like you’re wasting that 90 minutes every two weeks, you need to feel comfortable that you can say you know what guys, this just isn’t working out for me. I’m sorry. And be able to back out and have that no hard feelings thing. Just as anyone else who comes in, maybe they just don’t feel comfortable. They want to be on their own or whatever that you don’t have the judgment of them if they decided to leave.
[19:34] So I think those are some pretty key aspects of it to keep it less stressful because anytime you’re setting something like this up with friends, it always has the potential to kind of go downhill.
[18:44] Mike: So in terms of logistics, we talked previously about the schedule and for us, we have a very regular schedule. We meet every Tuesday night at 8:30 and it’s from 8:30 ‘til about 10 or 10:30. Do you use a regular schedule or no?
[18:59] Rob: So the Skype one is a regular schedule every two weeks Wednesday morning and then the in-person was regular for a while and now we’ve kind of let it flux and I’ll find that we, unless one of us thinks about it, it will go three weeks and its even over the holidays when I think a month. I was thinking the other day that we need to get it back because it used to be every Thursday afternoon at three o’clock at this one place. There’s a happy hour and so we probably just need to kind of pencil that in the game. I think there’s a lot of value to making it regular because if you have to plan it individually every time it’s so frustrating but if everyone just blocks this thing out for the next year and blocks out that same time on Tuesday or Wednesday or whatever, that’s really the way to go.
[19:36] Mike: Yeah and I think that you and I found that even just recording this podcast very, very early on, just setting that regular schedule really helps because it was like oh well, at this time and every single week I know that I have X planned so I can’t plan anything else for that as oppose to saying okay well I can move this around or always trying to find a place for it and it’s just logistically it’s hard to think and plan for stuff when its constantly changing every week. So I really feel strongly that having that regular schedule is extremely helpful not just for mastermind but for other things that you’re working on.
[20:08] So the same point, using the same type of media mechanism every week to prevent technical issues or from cropping up and switching let’s say between Google hangouts and then to Skype and then to something else, always trying to new things just because they’re new, I feel like that’s not really conducive to having a mastermind or we use Google hangouts every week. I think you said you use Skype?
[20:30] Rob: Yeah. We used Google hangouts for a while but they kept changing the interface and it was causing us problems. Just the technical part of it. People weren’t getting invites and all this stuff so we have switched to Skype. I paid for – you know you have to pay for a pro account for a year. It’s like $50 but then you can do the multiple video Skypeing with multiple people. And so I just forked it over and now at 10 AM we’re all there and I call both people.
[20:55] Mike: Yeah. We’ve definitely had some issues with Google hangouts. It depends on what everybody’s comfortable with whether you use Google hangouts or whether you use Skype, I would definitely recommend this and I think Rob, you’ll probably agree with me that you definitely want to use something that has video. I think that’s something that people might overlook when they’re beginning to build up a startup mastermind and I think that people don’t necessarily think about it but I think having that phase in front of you where people are talking and you’re actually seeing them talk and facial expressions and having them be able to hold stuff up and show you things, that is such a valuable experience because it just adds so much context to the things that they’re talking about. If you’re just hearing this voice on the other end of the line, it’s a little bit disconnected and it doesn’t necessarily give you the same impression that you get when you’re talking to somebody through video.
[21:44] Rob: Invaluable. Yup, I echo that.
[21:47] Mike: So what about accountability? We have our own mechanism for accountability but what do you do in yours?
[21:53] Rob: So we use Google docs. We have a single Google doc with bullet points and the three people’s names in the doc and then we talk about what we’ve done and what we’re planning to do over the next two weeks and challenges that we faced or stuff we need opinions on. I’ll admit that as of late, we’ve started to fall off the wagon with that. I have just started it up again with the most recent mastermind meeting and started updating their Google doc again but we did that for maybe six months and then just kind of we go from the top of our head now and it’s not quite as valuable I think to be able to look back through the history. It’s really interesting to look through the history and see what you’ve talked about and to think wow, you know, I remember when this was making $1,000 a month and now it’s making – that’s just crazy that I was actually at that point. It really gives you a sense of accomplishment and a sense perhaps of what the group has done for you.
[22:43] Beyond that, I know you guys touch base between or you have a message that comes out between your meetings and I think that’s a really good idea. I’ve never done that but I think it could be really helpful. Why don’t you tell folks how that works?
[22:55] Mike: Sure. So as I said before, our startup mastermind meets on Tuesday nights between 8:30 and 10 to 10:30 or however long it goes. And what I do is I essentially assign myself to be the scribe for the startup mastermind and what I’ll do is I basically keep track of who is supposed to be speaking and what the schedule is. So there’s three of us and everyone’s got I guess an assigned slot. And then if I spoke first this week then the next that we meet, I would speak third and I would speak second and then I would speak first again. And we just rotate so that everybody starts in different slots. So it does rotate and that’s definitely helpful.
[23:36] The other thing that we do is there’s essentially three different things that I take notes on. The first one is what people’s previous commitments were and those are generally copied from the previous week so whenever I start a new meeting, I fire up Evernote. I throw everything in there and I basically just write down everything that they said they were going to accomplish last time. And then I have a section for what people’s accomplishments were and then what they have said that they were going to accomplish the following week or the following time that we meet.
[24:04] And then what I do is once the meeting is done, I take the three sections for what people have committed to doing by the following meeting, I throw those into an email that I send out using boomerang that I schedule for the following Tuesday. I might do it on Monday. I forget which. But it’s basically early on the following week so that once about a week goes by you may have kind of forgotten about what some of your commitments were to the group for the next meeting and that email in your inbox basically becomes a trigger that says hey, these are the things that you said you were going to get done. Where are you?
[24:33] And I started this I don’t know, it was probably about after 6 or 7 meetings because I started to realize hey, I’m waiting until Monday to start working on some of these things and go back and look and see what it is that I should’ve been doing for the last 12 or 13 days. So instead, as a trigger to myself I was like well let me remind myself of the things that I should’ve been working on and I said well why don’t I just send this to everybody? And people loved it. I mean nobody complained about it. Everyone said hey, that’s an awesome idea. Thanks a lot for doing that. And it’s worked out really really well and I actually even get requests here and there for me to resend it on occasion if we move a meeting or if we have to skip one because of the holiday or something like that.
[25:16] Rob: Yeah. I really like that idea. I can see the value of it. When we’re having our masterminds, I’m taking notes and then I typically put them in my Trello board when I say here’s what I’m going to do over the next two weeks. I put them in Trello to do but that can get lost pretty easily if I come back and there’s a bunch of email and I really don’t get back to Trello because I’m too busy churning through a bunch of fires. It’s easy to forget that so I could see a lot of value and have that email sent out off week.
[25:40] Mike: The one thing that I liked about what you said was that you guys use Google docs and I don’t know, I guess I didn’t really think about that because I throw all of my notes into Evernote and then I just have a separate note for each of the meetings that we have but it probably makes a lot more sense for me to switch over and take everything, throw it into a Google doc and then share it with everybody so that everybody can see the entire history of everything as opposed to me just having the history in Evernote.
[26:04] Rob: Right. And then other people can modify if maybe you misquote by accident or you put some in there and they decide they want to add some extra things, it’s kind of nice to be able to collaborate.
[26:16] Mike: So next major question that I think somebody might have is how to find people for your mastermind and I think this is a hard question because you really have to look at who your peers are and you have to know the people that you’re going to invite. I mean you at least want to have some sense of what it is that they do. You want to make sure that they are doing the same types of things that you are and for me, I met the people who are in my mastermind group at MicroConf. So for me that made it extremely easy. If you’re going to MicroConf, definitely look around for people to join a startup mastermind with. But what about you? How did you go about finding the people who are in your startup mastermind?
[26:51] Rob: Pretty much the same way. It was through MicroConf and the academy and just kind of the stuff we’re doing. I can’t imagine starting a mastermind with someone I had not met in person. I received this question. How do you find people for your mastermind? And I’ve heard suggestions like well, go on forums or get to know people via email and this and that. And that might work but there’s always a large part to how to people interact and the intimacy of a startup mastermind and what you’re sharing, it really depends on interaction style. Do people listen? Do they always want to talk? Do they want to dominate? Do they just want to give advice? There’s a lot of subtlety there that you can’t pickup over a forum or another non in-person mechanism. So personally I would go to an in-person event.
[27:33] The most masterminds I’ve heard come out of anywhere is out of the MicroConfs. We’re these Micropreneur meet ups and masterminds just springing up out of MicroConf Europe a number of them have already come out of it and same with the Vegas one. And I think the other place where I have seen stuff start to spring up is of course the academy. It’s our membership website so there’s a community there. And like I said, this year we’re going to be doubling down on that and really focusing on building that community and expanding it and so that’s the kind of place that I think you can go.
[28:02] I don’t know if you can go to a public forum like the old business is software stuff or answers down on startups.com or those kinds of places. I don’t know if you can go and do that. I’ve never done it and I haven’t heard of it being done. I’m sure it’s possible but I really think that you kind of have to go to that in person aspect. The other thing I’ll say is when you’re looking for the types of people to invite, you really want to find people that are ahead of you.
[28:30] In an ideal world, the other two people would be just enough ahead of you that they still remember what it’s like to be where you are but that they can give you advice based on what they’ve learned. Now obviously, that’s not possible if there’s three people. Everyone can’t be a head of the other. But what I have found interesting is that in the masterminds I’m in, there’s typically some expertise in a certain area. So one guy might be really solid on UX and ahead of everybody else and another person might be a head in terms of high touch sales and another might be ahead in terms of content marketing, another ahead in terms of paid advertising. There’s these different aspects of it.
[29:04] And so I think when you’re setting up a mastermind, don’t just grab the first three people you know who are your friends who are also founders but think about who is doing what I’m doing? So if you’re running a Saas app, try to find two other Saas founders. If you have a WordPress plug-in, try to find two other WordPress folks and if you’re doing info products, try to find info products etcetera. It’s not to say that’s the only way to do it but I think that in the ideal scenario, if you’re B to B, they would also be B to B and the type of software and they would be relatively close to you within let’s say a year ahead or behind you in terms of the path you’re traveling as a founder.
[29:39] Mike: I found that even when you’re working with other people in the mastermind group it’s really nice to get that additional perspective because other people have different experiences than you especially if their background are different. So I don’t know as I would necessarily shy away from people who are not Saas founders for example because Audit Shark is a Saas based business and the people that are in my mastermind group, none of them have a Saas based business right now. So I still get a lot of good information from them though so I don’t necessarily know as I would shy away from them. I’ve gotten a lot of great things out of it and even just in how to deal with a recurring revenue business, they’ve had some really, really great ideas that I’ve been able to take and implement. There’s other sides of it as well.
[30:21] Rob: Absolutely. It can work both ways for sure.
[30:23] Mike: It depends a lot on the type of people but I mean we’ve kind of talked about that is like you need to have the right types of people and make sure that the personalities don’t clash and get that trial period or opt out clause in there so somebody can walk away with no hard feelings as long as things are working.
[30:38] Rob: I think what you’re saying is personality may trump similarity of business and I would agree with that. The personality mix in your mastermind is going to have 80% to do with whether or not it’s actually successful because again, if you get people, if you come into the mastermind and you feel judged or you feel put down or again you feel like someone dominates, you feel there’s personality clashes in any direction and people are trying to pull away, it can really degrade the experience of the mastermind and it ruins the trust.
[31:08] I’ve also heard that mastermind’s going downhill because certain people just don’t show up or they commit to stuff and they just never do it. I mean there’s a bunch of things that can really kind of degrade the experience so you have to think to yourself are these folks reliable and are they someone who I want to spend two hours talking to every other week and really invest this time? Because that two hours is valuable. As a founder you can do a lot with that and I think you really need to think hard before you get into a mastermind relationship and I think that you will need to make sure that the folks are going to be compatible with kind of your working style.
[31:40] So that’s our show for today. If you have question for us, call our voice mail number at 1-888-801-9690 or email us at questions@startupsfortherestofus.com. Our theme music is an excerpt from “We’re Outta Control” by MoOt used under Creative Commons. Subscribe to us in iTunes by searching for startups or via RSS at startupsfortherestofus.com where you’ll also find a full transcript of each episode. Thanks for listening. See you next time.
Anybody want to start a mastermind for practically pretty much new entrepreneurs?
Is it just me or are the show notes & links missing here?
I’m interested in a mastermind group Chris. Lets talk.
Hey Chris – I just realized you can’t see my email address. I’ll contact you via you website.
I would be interested in being involved in a Mastermind group. I have taken part in similar exercises in the past to varying degrees of success. (email: shawn@thosedewolfes.com )
This episode was absolute MONEY. I was just looking into this and talking to some friends about this. I had my own thoughts on what I would want out of it as well as how it was run and was quite happy to hear those same feelings were voiced by Mike & Rob… most importantly the things I felt strongly about were also the same things they had strong opinions on. As I’m going to MicroConf, I’ve decided that i’ll hold off a bit until I can set one up with some people in person. I did have a question which I submitted via the 888 number: what’s your take on having your co-founder / partner for your startup in the same group that you’re in?
I’m interested in being a part of a small mastermind group. If anyone has space available please e-mail me.
My e-mail address is Ryan at Realteya dot com
You can use oovoo instead of Skype for multi-conference. It’s free