Show Notes
In this episode of Startsup For The Rest Of Us, Rob and Mike take a number of listener questions. They give their insight on a some topics including when to spend money on helpdesk software, what to do when you’ve plateaued MRR at $1k, and how to promote a blog post.
Items mentioned in this episode:
Rob: In this episode of Startups For The Rest Of Us, Mike and I talk about plateauing at 1k MRR, when to spend on SaaS apps and more listener questions. I also asked Mike a question right at the start that I haven’t prepped him for.
Mike: Damn you.
Rob: Mike, what is the most interesting book you’ve read lately?
Mike: The one that I read recently was one that you talked about on the podcast, it was Masters of Doom.
Rob: What do you think?
Mike: I thought it was really interesting. The story and the dynamics between the two Johns was very personal between them, obviously. The implosion of the John Romero’s company afterwards, after they blew all that money that had come in and basically bankrupted the company. That was interesting but not necessarily unsurprising.
Rob: They were kids, essentially, starting a company and making millions of dollars. They bought Lamborghinis and Ferraris, just the total stereotypical, 20 something with too much money.
Mike: But that was with their money that they got from Doom. John Romero had spent ungodly amounts of money on building the company and an office space in downtown, I think Dallas or Austin, or something like that.
Rob: Where he raised $10 or $20 million to start the new gaming company after they split.
Mike: What was it? $20 or $30, $40 million or something like that and then $100 million of guaranteed money coming if they actually just published the games. That’s my most interesting book recently.
Rob: Welcome to Startups For The Rest Of Us, the podcast that helps developers, designers and entrepreneurs be awesome at building, launching and growing software products, whether you’ve built your first product or you’re just thinking about it. I’m Rob.
Mike: I’m Mike.
Rob: We’re here to share our experiences to help you avoid the same mistakes we made. What’s the word this week, sir?
Mike: I decided to let you back on the podcast after the date fiasco. Did you hear that?
Rob: No, I haven’t heard it yet. The MicroConf saved the date that I sent three weeks ago was wrong but did you tell anyone what I was reading? I was reading stuff you typed in the doc.
Mike: I didn’t.
Rob: You typed it.
Mike: I know. I absolutely did not say that to anybody.
Rob: That’s where it comes out now, I said the wrong date. I did hear you say that at the beginning of the next episode. I was like, “That sucks, how do we do that?”
Mike: It was totally my calendar but you’re the one who said it, not me.
Rob: I know, it will forever go down. I wonder if I can get Josh to go back and edit that episode.
Mike: He probably could but people have already listened to it.
Rob: I know. The correct date for MicroConf in Vegas next year, Growth will be April 29th through May 1st, Starter Edition will be at May 1st through 3rd. Mark your calendars, tickets will be coming out in the next couple weeks.
Mike: I corrected my calendar already.
Rob: What else is going on?
Mike: My wife, Ali, who I’ve talked about a little bit before, she took over another fitness studio here in town. It’s been about six months or so. There is an article that literally came out today where she was voted the best athletic club in the annual reader’s choice survey that went out maybe last month but it came in and she was selected. I just wanna say congratulations to her.
Rob: That’s super cool. You have a little article, you’re gonna link it up in the show notes?
Mike: Sure.
Rob: Awesome. For me, two random things. One is have you heard of the eero routers?
Mike: I think I’ve seen something about them but I haven’t really looked at them at all.
Rob: If you have the first world problem of having a house so big that you can’t get Wifi in your kitchen, then these eero can get it at any part of your house. These eero routers are ridiculous. You buy them in a three pack, they’re not cheap, I think it was $300 to $400 on Amazon. They basically mesh network with one another. They don’t use Wifi to go through the walls, they use mesh network at a different frequency that can go through walls a lot easier and you put them around your house.
This house at Minneapolis has a basement and then two stories and the house is wide, it’s longer than a lot of houses. When we first setup just the NETGEAR router, you couldn’t get Wifi, you can get in that one room and then it was blocked everywhere else. With these three eero routers, it is ridiculously fast even way, way down on the basement which is three layers and layers of concrete and all the stuff. It’s crazy how good these things works.
Again, not cheap. NETGEAR router that I was using was $80 and this was, like I said, $300 or $400 but it permanently solved this problem. I used to have extenders, they underscore EXT network, it’s just junk. They’ve had these for years, obviously, for commercial use like in office spaces and such, college campuses. The first consumer ones came out within the last one to two years.
Eero, they keep updating their operating system and I have nothing but good things to say about these guys, they’re not sponsoring the podcast although they probably should. That’s the deal. Do you have any dead spots in your house or does your NETGEAR capture everything?
Mike: No. I cheated and I have a power drill. I drill holes through walls and run Cat 6 cable.
Rob: It seems like something you would do, Mike. I think you would build your own servers and run Cat6 cable through things. We’re on a rental. Who knows how long we’ll be here.
Mike: That’s what the security deposit is for.
Rob: I’m gonna run cable. Even at our house in Fresno, it was a super single story but super long and I could never get Wifi in the living room because the router was over in the office. They would’ve fixed it there as well. I guess that’s it.
Mike: I do have Wifi here. I think I have three different Wifi routers in my house in each general area, there is either wired or wireless depending on where you’re at. Of course, to screw my neighbors who ask if they could borrow my Wifi, create one called FBI van 42 or something like that.
Rob: If they could borrow your Wifi, wow.
Mike: I know, I was like, “No.”
Rob: There’s no chance that’s happening. My other tidbit is I wanna run through a couple of books that I’ve listened to recently and really enjoyed. I still think I keep coming back to my top three, these are not ones I’ve listened recently but I think my top two or three audiobooks of all time are Masters of Doom, like I said and you listened to that, and then Hatching Twitter is another one and then The Snowball with Warren Buffett. Those are all good.
Some other ones I’ve listened to recently that I hold in high regard, one called American Kingpin by Nick Bilton who’s the same guy who did Hatching Twitter. It’s about Silk Road, the bitcoin marketplace that sold drugs. It’s about the guy who started it and it’s very, very well-written, very compelling just like Hatching Twitter. I didn’t really have much interest in the story, to be honest, I really didn’t care about Silk Road, I didn’t think I was going to care but he makes you care by the time you read two chapters, very interesting.
I listened to Angel by Jason Calacanis. Whether you’re an angel investor or not, it’s pretty fascinating to hear inside his world. It’s a good balance of boots on the ground stories, advice for angels, advice for founders who may someday raise money, how to run a good company. Calacanis is such a smart dude and has so much experience with the stuff that he almost can’t help but learn something from this even if you’re not gonna be an angel investor or seek angel investment.
Another one is Tom Petty, The Biography. Oddly enough I was listening to this couple months ago and then Tom Petty just passed away within the last month, that was coincidental. I have always been a fan of Tom Petty, I didn’t know his story. To be honest, the first at least third of the book is really boring and I almost skipped out of it but I started skipping chapters and I got to the point where they did start taking off and it was fascinating from there, the actual rise of them instead of all the years of him growing and stuff. That part didn’t resonate.
Lastly, there’s a new book called From a Certain Point of View, that’s new on audible. It is basically Star Wars episode four, it’s the story of all the surrounding characters. They got 40 different writers and then 40 different voice actors to do these little short stories about. It might be about a stormtrooper who is off camera or it’s about a jawa who sabotaged something. It’s about when R2 tries to sabotage the red droid. It’s noncanon but it’s cool if you’re a geeky Star Wars fan and I enjoyed listening to it.
My 11-year old listens to and I’m listening to it and then we compare notes. It’s like, “Did you understand that one?” We talk about it. That’s been fun. Have you listened to any of those or read them?
Mike: I saw the From a Certain Point of View had come out and I keep seeing it in different places but I hadn’t read it or really looked into it, I didn’t know the story behind it.
Rob: It’s interesting if you’re a Star Wars geek because they make references to things. Unless you’ve seen Star Wars several times, you’re not gonna get it, it’s not gonna be interesting.
Mike: Cool.
Rob: Today we’re answering listener questions, we still have good a number coming in. I wanna keep up with that. The first question is about plateauing at 1k MRR. It’s a follow up to a question that Matt [00:09:05] had asked a few months ago. It was regarding portfoliolounge.com. He said, “Thanks for your reply in an earlier episode. I’ve since listened to most of your past podcasts and realized that funding is not necessarily what I should be looking for. I wanted to clarify and say that portfoliolounge.com has had about 30,000 free members and upgraded subscription options average about $10 per month, sadly the site has plateaued at around 1k MRR. I’d love to get your advice, see what you think about the site and potentially how to grow it.”
What I wanted to talk about today, I wanna bat a few ideas around. A lot of sites, a lot of people find themselves in this situation. You launch an app, it grows to 1k MRR and then it plateaus. It’s like what do you do at that point? How do you attack the plateau? We could also separately maybe talk about the free plan. Whether we think you should do that moving forward, whether we think perhaps it was a mistake or that kind of stuff. You have initial thoughts to kick this off?
Mike: Average of $10 per month, it sounds to me like that’s really targeted at the consumer side of the market. I would love to see if maybe there’s a possibility of going after businesses who needs some sort of an online portfolio, like a photographer. There’s a photographer that we use every year here in Lister who takes pictures with Santa Clause, for example. He has this whole website where you can go out and you can pick the photos and things like that.
I wonder if targeting photographers like that or running a small business would be a better proposition than targeting end users or the consumer market because obviously those people are not gonna be willing to pay very much money on a monthly basis for very long.
Rob: I think this does target more photographers, to be honest. If you think of photographers, they’re really prosumers, if you wanna know the truth, they’re not even SMBs like Beta SMBs. A lot of them do it as a hobby and a lot of them do it on weekends and they make a few hundred bucks a weekend or something. I think they’re that in between.
There are so many portfolio sites, that’s what this site does, pretty basic. The headline is create a portfolio website quickly and beautifully. You think of it as a core space for just portfolio sites and it’s highly focused on that but a lot of other sites do exactly this functionality.
Mike: It’s really more a matter of overcoming the competition especially if those other sites are offering it for free.
Rob: Yeah. I don’t know if they offer the exact same thing for free. Certainly he has a free plan and then has the $10 month upsell which probably gets you to something else. I think the questions to think about is, is your offering pretty much exactly what a bunch of other places have like SmugMug or whatever. If it is, you either need to be differentiated as a product in a way that people care about or you need to have, essentially, a traffic or a lead source that no one else really has access to or that you are at the top of like Google Search Result or you’re way better at paid ads and you’re really getting a better traffic for that, this won’t work for the paid ads with the free plan and the $10 a month.
If you don’t have one of those two in this type of business, you’re done, you’re never gonna get above a grand plateau or two grand. There’s gonna be some very small number of people who just picked you because they found you first but other than that, you either have to be differentiated or have to really own that traffic source like that number one Google Search Result.
Mike: I wonder if there’s another option here which would be to use this as your traffic source and then have something else that you’re upselling. If hosting the portfolio is very much a commodity and there are other sites out there that are doing it for free and you’re trying to charge for it, that’s gonna be a tough road obviously with $1000 MRR, that’s the position that he’s in.
If you have something else that is something that you could sell whether it’s an ebook or some upsell on top of what you have now, I’m not saying go back and retract the pricing and everything but if there are other products that you’re upselling people to, you build your portfolio and then we can educate you on how to grow the traffic or advertising or things like that.
There are other things, I think, that you can do here other than charging directly for posting the portfolio especially if that’s the commodity. Is there some other product that you can have that you can put in there?
Rob: I think that’s a totally reasonable idea. I think another thing to think about is 30,000 free people have checked it out, I’m sure they’re not active, I’m sure it’s a small percentage. You have, essentially, 100 paying customers at $10 a month to your thousand, that’s a third of a percent of all of your free users have ever paid you any money or at least your current customers, I guess I should say.
That’s a problem because that number is too low, the number should be between 1% and 3%. I would look at that and think, “Is there a way that I can get more free users to upgrade or is the free plan just a mistake or a failed experiment.” I would consider if you’re not already sending emails to get people to upgrade, if you’re not already helping them get whatever it is to get them to the paid tier or convince them that it’s worth their value, then obviously that would be where I would start because that number is too low.
It either means that you’re not taking the right steps to get them to upgrade or they’re just never gonna upgrade and the free plan is a waste of time. You need to figure that out. If the free plan is a waste of time, then I would shut it down immediately and I would grandfather people for now and then I would start a free trial instead and do it basically the same way where you have maybe 14 days or 7 days or whatever.
You have time pressure for people to get in and get setup. That helps them actually get value for the product. I think you’ll convert potentially more people in the short term. When I acquired HitTail, there was a free plan and there were some users using a lot of resources that were on this free plan. I did wind up shooting that down. It was a hard decision but the site was bleeding money because of that.
I did get some people to convert from the free plan, it was not a huge number but it did really have a lot of resources from the app and it allowed me to get some revenue, it was 500 or 1000 of MRR in the early days of that, actually maybe a little more than 1000 which sounds like chump change at this point but it was actually a move that I think was worth that I got some pushback. I did grandfather some people in who had been fans of the site and really good JV partners or that one guy who had taught an SEO class in Italy and he’d always mentioned HitTail in the class.
If someone complains and they’re not disrespectful and they have a good reason, yes, you can keep them in but to have 30,000 open free accounts on your platform, if you are gonna shut that thing down long term, it just doesn’t make a ton of sense.
Mike: To add onto that a little bit, go back to the point that you said, what does it take to upgrade people. You can look at the number of images that people are uploading and the pieces of content and try and see how many people are above that threshold and what the average number of images that people upload is. I look at the subscription options and says upload as many as a thousand items, how many do people upload on average? Is it 50, 100, 500, could you tweak that number and drop it down?
As Rob said, are there trigger points that you can use to say, “You’re getting close to this, would you like to upgrade?” Look at those and see if you can play with those numbers a little bit to try and get people more towards that edge where they have to make a decision one way or the other.
Rob: I think that’s a good point. Lastly, I’ll reiterate, if you don’t have some type of feature or positioning differentiation from other platforms on the market, or you don’t have some marketing advantage where you’re getting leads that aren’t comparing you to other people, example, you are the number one search result in Google for some nice term, then long term, this business is not gonna grow, it’s gonna plateau somewhere, it’s probably gonna plateau very low. That’s something that I would keep in mind.
Our next question is about when to spend money on helpdesk softwares specifically. Actually, I think it opens up almost a thought of when do you start spending money on external SaaS apps when you’re starting your own business. This is from Saphia, she says, “I discovered the show a few weeks ago and I cannot stop binging. It’s such a good resource for first time founder like me. What is your take on helpdesk software cost and how early we should put them in place? We’ve launched our SaaS MVP a few weeks ago as a free trial and our prospects are rightly providing feedback and feature request by email which makes me crazy as the only developer in our company. I wanna subscribe to Intercom or Zendesk or Groove but my co-founder disagrees because of the cost and things, we should just do with email for now. What is the right way to do with feature request at an early stage?”
I will throw one other support software in there and that’s Help Scout. We use them at Drip. They work really well for us and they’re quite cheap. I think all these things are $10 or $15 a seat. With that couched Mike, it sounds like he has a couple questions. One is been on helpdesk and then there’s how do you handle feature requests at an early stage.
Mike: These are three different things that you can dive into. In terms of looking specifically at a helpdesk, one other thing that I’d throw out there is an option is Teamwork Desk. If you go over to teamwork.com/startups, they have a startup program where you can get everything that they have for free for an entire year. It’s not that their product is all that expensive anyway, you can get on the ground floor at $5 a month but you can get it for free if you’re just getting off the ground. That’s an option as well.
In terms of when you should start putting things in place, I think that’s more of a general question. I would say that when it becomes painful, if you get to a point where whatever problem you’re trying to solve is taking too much of your time and effort and it’s cutting into your time and resources to do other things, then you really need to bite the bullet and start paying for it.
Rob: I think handling support in the early, early days via a single shared Gmail account is not out of the question, it’s not terrible. I think you’re gonna wanna get out of it quickly but I think it’s feasible if you’re super cash strapped. However, look at a product like FogBugz that is $20 a month for I think four or five seats. In my opinion, it’s not the caliber of Help Scout or of Groove. Zendesk, to be honest, I’m not a huge fan of but it’s just the conversion tool. Those are about $15 a seat so they are a little more expensive.
It depends on how big your team is. If there are five of you and it’s $75 a month, and you really are cash strapped, there’s a point where that money could be used for something else. I think that handling feature requests specifically, handling them via email but then you need an issue tracker. Even if you are handling it in a Gmail thing, you should still be using GitHub issues or you should be using Jira, just anything like that. You can move stuff from email into those trackers as you move them around. You don’t have to manage them in email, that’s crazy.
Mike: I definitely wouldn’t manage them. I use Teamwork Desk for my frontend support. Whenever something comes in where I’m gonna essentially decide to promote it to something on the road map or if it’s a bug, I tend to close them out and them move them over into FogBugz which is what I use for bug tracking for Bluetick because you don’t wanna leave those tickets open for an extended period of time because it’s not helpful to them and it’s not helpful to you.
They’re basically sitting there and it’s not about the cost of the space, it’s about the fact that they are sitting there as another line item that later on you’re gonna have to go in and close out. Just tell them, “We’ve logged this, it’s in our bug tracker. We’ll get it fixed.” Then close it out and move on because you don’t wanna have to track in two places really what the issue is.
Rob: To give everyone context, DotNetInvoice, I did all support straight out at Gmail. When I get a business partner with that, we shared the Gmail account for a few months and then it became a pain in the butt so we moved to FogBugz. I was in FogBugz for years and then when we launched Drip, I believe, we moved everything into Help Scout which I liked a lot. When we got acquired, Leadpages was already using Zendesk and eventually we consolidated in Zendesk.
Like I said, I’m not a big fan of Zendesk, it’s pretty clunky and hard to use but that’s the progression I’ve made. Again, some of those are less expensive than others. I do think that if it’s working and you can manage and you guys are super cash strapped, then you can make things work but that would be an early bootstrap situation that I would look to get out of as quickly as possible. Thanks for your question, Saphia. I hope that was helpful.
The next question is about EU legislation insanity is the subject line of the email, it’s from Juka from close2design.com. He says, “Hi guys, are you aware of this?” It’s a link to a Business Insider article, the title is 75% of Cloud Apps Are Not Ready For New EU Data Protection Rules. Juka continues, he says, “It seems they’re threatening businesses with Megacorp level fines for some vague “noncompliance” but they’re imposing their rules on small companies too, of course. Does that seem like they’re trying to kill small businesses? That seems like potentially an anti-business move. What is your take?”
Mike: This is interesting because Juka sent over a link to the Business Insider story that was talking about this. I looked into it a little bit, you can make all arguments or judgments you want about politicians and their ability to interpret how things are going to impact small businesses especially when it comes to anything that’s technology related.
The bottomline on this particular article is that if you look at the study that came out for this, it’s by a company called Netscope. If you go over to Netscope’s website, they are trying to sell people on a solution to this particular problem. It’s almost like they self-commissioned this study so that when a CEO of a company, they’re having a discussion with this person and saying, “You need to pay attention to this law.” He’s like, “Why do I need to pay attention to this?” “Here’s the study that you can look at as a reference and here are all the problems that you could possibly run into.”
It’s basically this giant marketing collateral piece that they put together solely to scare those CEOs and executives into purchasing their products and services. I don’t see this much different than some of the security vendors, they’re really trying to sell based on this position of making people fear what is going on or what can potentially happen and saying, “We have a solution to this particular problem.”
I don’t know is it something that most small businesses are probably going to need to pay too much attention to and the whole thing is trying to consolidate different laws from all of different member states of the EU and they’re trying to consolidate it. Instead of having to follow 28 different sets of rules, you only follow one. I do understand that there’s the contention about the level of the fines but you have to go back to them and see how serious are they about enforcing those things and what is their stance and why is it?
Sometimes, government entities will really look the other way when you show that you’re trying to do the right thing and you just screw it up. There are times where they’ll nail you to the wall and you have to interpret, is this the type of entity that will nail you to the wall or they’re just gonna let things go because you’re a certain size and you just didn’t know any better.
Rob: I wonder if the category that it’s in Business Insider called BI Intelligence, all of them are these reports from companies. I can’t find any evidence that they’re sponsored, they’re sponsoring the BI articles themselves, the Business Insider articles but I would not be surprised if that were the case. As we talked about a few episodes ago, there used to be safe harbor and then you changed it years ago, two and a half years ago, and then they’re now changing it again. This thing is such a fiasco and very hard to keep up with for someone that’s not just mired in it.
Having spent myself several thousand dollars on legal fees just to have contracts drawn up, I think it’s just a big pain in the butt. It’s not something that I have personally, beyond just having just that contract written up spent a ton of time dealing with or investigating.
Our next question is about how to promote a blog post. She says, “Dear Rob and Mike, how did you promote your blog post in the early days of your SaaS? I’m interested in channels and methods.”
I think I would almost caution something. There is value in having a blog for SaaS app but these days, given how noisy so many spaces are, unless you’re speaking out from the blog in a way that is unique or that you’re saying something different. It’s probably not the first marketing approach you have to do these days because so many people have followed the content marketing playbook, the playbooks of Kissmetrics or Bidsketch or Groove. There’s been people who’ve executed it really well and to great effect. Because of that, it just gotten harder and harder.
If you’re just cranking out thousand word blog post on some topics, it’s really probably wasted effort. I think you could get more customers elsewhere. With that said, if you have really unique content and you understand the game as it stands today and if you notice now what Kissmetrics is doing or if you notice now what Groove or Intercom, there are several that do content marketing really well. It’s these very, very long authority posts.
Instead of doing a post everyday or three posts a week, it’s one every week, one every two weeks but they’re really long and in depth and they’re trying to be an authoritative or definitive view. Sometimes they’re broken up into multiple pages, sometimes it’s all in one page. It’s almost like an ebook that’s published as a blog post. Google has the tides of turn and Google seems to like this thing more. As you build up equity more overtime, that’s how you’re gonna do it.
With that in mind, it’s a lower volume but higher quality play. There are number of channels to try to get traction, it’s depending on your topic. You look at something like you get on Hacker News, if you write something really interesting that everybody is gonna be interested there, then of course you can promote it. Product Hunt, there’s a section for this kind of stuff. Medium is still a decent source.
We experimented on Drip with going Medium first or Medium was the source and then we republished on our blog post and then we did the other way, we tried a bunch of different stuff. That works also, we never got enough of a following on Medium to justify it. I really wanted the SEOJuice over on our blog but Medium and Twitter, obviously places where people are talking about things and those are ways that you can get some eyeballs to come.
Facebook, unfortunately, as I roll my eyes, Facebook and LinkedIn, both of those have obviously ways to get stories out and then you can promote them for a small amount of money. This is stuff you have to experiment with, you’re gonna know your niche. If you’re at least a little bit B2C or B to prosumer. I’ve seen people use this to great effect on Facebook, seen people use it to great effect on LinkedIn when they’re more of the B to enterprise or B to midmarket.
There’s a couple things, it’s not about just having this cookie cutter thing where every time you publish, you’re gonna submit to 26 different things and hope one of them catches. That’s not gonna work very well because you’re either gonna get banned, you’re just not gonna get tractions, it’s gonna be a waste of time. You really have to sit down and think about a unique piece of content and think about it as a one off project.
Think about what are the best things of all the potential promotional areas I just mentioned as well as there are certainly more, I bet, if you search Google for how to promote a blog post in 2017, there are gonna be more ideas that I did not just throw out. It’s applying the few that you think are really gonna work but really digging into them. If you think it’s gonna be Product Hunt, for example, then I would spend two or three hours figuring out how do you do this on Product Hunt.
I wouldn’t just submit it and hope for the best. There are ways to improve your chances of that being successful and I don’t know them off the top of my head. We had some success with Product Hunt when I was still running marketing for Drip but I’m not an expert but someone out there is. That’s, I think, how you have to think about it these days, really being more focused, just spending more time than you would like probably.
I’m not so sure that blogging is necessarily the way I would go if I had a SaaS app these days and I was just getting started but it does certainly depend on your niche and where you’re going.
Mike: I think I would ask why you’re trying to use blogging because you talked about this a lot, Rob. What’s the purpose of that? Are you actually going to be getting customers from that? Are you going to be heard over the noise? Are you gonna be able to sustain the effort that it takes to continue publishing that new content? I get that there’s this weird relationship between the number of web pages that you have and your search engine rankings and your ability to draw traffic to your site but is that going to be what’s going to do it for your business? Is that the channel that you need or are there other ways to get people to your website, whether it’s speaking towards and getting backlinks from those or publishing on other people’s blogs, for example. That’s a great one.
If you can get published on somebody else’s blog and they’ve already got a built in audience, then you don’t have to build your audience and you can get the back links from them. It’s more sporadic but at the same time you don’t have to do all that upfront work to build your own audience immediately.
Rob: I think that’s a really good point. I think guest posting, JV partnerships, podcast tours, I think these are all things that will likely have more of an impact than just starting your own blog.
Mike: I think that wraps us up for today. If you have a question for us, you can call it into our voicemail number at 1-888-801-9690 or you can email it to us at questions@startupsfortherestofus.com. Our theme music is an excerpt from We’re Outta Control by MoOt used under Creative Commons. Subscribe to us in iTunes by searching for Startups and visit startupsfortherestofus.com for a full transcript of each episode. Thanks for listening. We’ll see you next time.
Hi Rob
What was the name of the wifi grid gadget you mentioned please?
Great show
Eero: https://eero.com/
Huge thanks and keep up the great work.