Show Notes
Rob is back with Craig Hewitt of Castos. They talk about learning to delegate more of his responsibilities as a new growth marketer joins the team.
TinySeed Tales 4 | A Bug in the Funnel and Giving Up Control
Show Notes
Rob does another follow up with Crag Hewitt of Castos, they talk about his new hire (growth marketer) and news of a major break-through.
TinySeed Tales 3 | The Best News Ever and the Slog
Show Notes
Rob follows up with Craig Hewitt of Castos, as he shares some big news on the podcast
TinySeed Tales 1 | A Non-Technical SaaS Founder
Show Notes
Rob starts his new podcast series “TinySeed Tales,” with an interview with Craig Hewitt of Castos.
TinySeed Tales | Season 1 Trailer (Castos)
Show Notes
Rob introduces “TinySeed Tales”, a show that follows one SaaS founder week by week through their struggles, failures, and victories.