Brian & Scottie Elliott are the husband & wife co-founders of Gather, an interior design project management app.
On this episode, Rob chats with Brian & Scottie about taking their product upmarket, focusing on customer success, hiring consultants and contractors, and more!
The topics we cover
[01:43] Check in on how this week has been going
- Setting things in motion with some new hires
- MRR now growing off the chain but feeling good about accomplishments
- Shifting focus from growing while also building out process
- MRR growth is not everything
[04:50] Scottie talks about hiring
- Looking at three potential hires right now: lead gen, VA, and an industry expert
- Consultant vs contractor. A contract shows up and performs a task, a consultant is an expert in the industry
- Moving from task-based hires to project-based hires
- With Tinyseed funding now have the opportunity to do more hiring
[08:59] New business processes
- Scottie was initially doing customer support
- Now realizing needing to focus on customer success to help make sure the customer is successful
[10:21] Challenging sales cycles and losing an enterprise deal
- Had a potential enterprise deal (40-50 seats) but the contract was pulled last minute based on the price
- The contract eventually went to 0 and the client ghosted Scottie & Brian
- Losing contracts is disappointing, but they’ll continue to reach out until they get a “no”.
- Going to dig into the “why” to understand if it was pricing, or something else.
- Founders need to decide between learning or hiring for specific skill sets
- Important to have a sales process in place before handing off to an outsider
- Lots of institutional knowledge within a business and sales process that needs to be documented
[17:57] Technical setbacks from the week
- They had a complicated new feature about to ship when one of their developers raised an issue that ended up setting them back nearly a week.
Links from the show
- TinySeed Tales Season 2 Episode 1
- Gather | Website
- Brian Elliott | Twitter
Thanks for listening to another episode of TinySeed Tales. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out Season 1 of TinySeed Tales where we follow the SaaS journey with Craig Hewitt of Castos.